Thursday, March 12, 2015

~7000 Miles To Go~

Today we left to go on a 7000 mile, 5 and 1/2 week long road trip out west. We usually do one big long west trip every year and one or two smaller ones. This trip we are going to be in South Texas, West Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, California, Colorado, and finally end up in Tennessee! We have never been to California before as a family so we are excited about that! We ask all of you to pray for us to have a safe, breakdown free, trip! Also, please help us pray that we will have people saved and that we will be an encouragement everywhere we go. We are so excited about what the Lord is going to do!                                   Sometimes people ask us what we do with ourselves while we are traveling. Well we sing a LOT! Most of our practicing gets done while we are riding down the road. Also, we watch movies, read, get school work done, work on blog posts, pretty much anything we do at home we can do on the bus. We also do a LOT of fellowshiping! Haha! You would think we wouldn't have anything to talk about since we are together all of the time but somehow we manage to find things. I love sitting around and talking as a family. I think it makes us closer when we share things that are on our minds or even if it is just something funny that's happened. I really think that a family that prays together, and that communicates together, stays together! I know it makes us stronger as a family. We love what we do but I'm pretty sure we wouldn't love it as much if we didn't get along. Sure, not everyone gets along ALL the time. I mean goodness, we are in a 45 foot bus! There are going to be some struggles! LOL! But with the Lords help we can overcome whatever struggles we have. We are excited to see what the Lord has in store not only on this trip, but in our ministry as a whole. We are praying that He will work greatly through us! 

Sunday, March 1, 2015

~Brianna, The Hero~

So this past week something new happened to us that had never happened before! We pulled up into the church to get our equipment out of the bus and we couldn't get the door opened! We couldn't figure out what in the world was keeping it from opening! We got a flashlight and turns out there was a little screw stuck in the door! Momma and Daddy tried different ways to get it out but we soon realized we weren't going to be able to get it out without a screw driver. Not a big deal right? Well, it wouldn't be except all the tools were underneath the bus. Yep, we were in a pickle! I thought, "I bet we are the only singing group ever that had to cancel a meeting because they couldn't get out of their bus!" Obviously we made it out or you would've most likely heard about it on the news. Haha! We were able to get an emergency window open. Then we had to figure out who was going to be lowered out. It had to be a small person because the window opening isn't very big at all! So my little sister Brianna decided to brave it and volunteer. So we lowered her out the window and she was able to get a screwdriver out from under the bus and we finally got the door opened! Brianna was the hero for the day!! It was one of those stories where if I wasn't there, I wouldn't have believed it! We all said, "only we can get stuck inside our bus." Never a dull moment around here!