Sunday, January 11, 2015

*Clear The Stage*

We have people ask us sometimes, "how do you not get burnt out on the road?" Honestly, we do sometimes! It's hard not to get into the routine of just getting up on stage and going through the motions, trying to do a good job. You ask yourself, "what are people thinking? Are they enjoying the music?" Not once do we stop and think about what the Lord thinks. We say we are singing to worship the Lord, but is that really worship? I heard a song a while back and the lyrics go, "you can sing all you want to and still get it wrong. Worship is MORE than a song!" Worship is OUR spirit communing with HIS spirit. We can't be worshiping and worrying about what others are thinking at the same time. It just doesn't happen. It is also hard to worship when we haven't had fellowship with Him in a while! But when we have prayed and have been reading our Bibles regularly, worship comes easy. The more you find out about the Lord, the more you WANT to give Him what He desires! I wonder if we realize that everything we put before God is an idol. Anything we can't stop thinking about, other than the Lord, is an idol. And when we are on stage thinking about US and how WE look and sound, who are we really worshiping? Sounds like we are making idols out of ourselves! I've had to do a lot of "stage clearing" of my own. Not just in singing but in every day living! When this life is over it's not really going to matter who had the most meetings, sang the best songs, or played the best music. All that's going to matter is how much we did for God! I want to make room on the stage of my life for the only ONE who deserves my worship and my praise, the Lord Jesus Christ!            


  1. I enjoyed reading this post. It is very true that we all fall into the trap of just going through the motions of worship at times. Praise the Lord for his mercy! When I get off track, he draws me back!

  2. We're all guilty of this. So thankful for a merciful and longsuffering God. ~ Kristan
